Small Groups

Faith Harvest Church, Wake Forest, NC

Feb 01 - Apr 30

Small groups are a great way to connect with fellow believers, grow in your faith, join in fellowship, and create community.

Faith Harvest offers small groups for new believers, Men of Faith, Women of Faith, Spanish Ministry, Seniors, and more!

See below and sign up for upcoming small groups and new Growth Track classes!



"Running the Race with Endurance"

This class examines all the components of spiritual & physical encouragement for this season of life.

Teachers: Mike & Vicki Carswell
Co-Teachers: Rick Pyburn
Day: Thursday mornings
Time: 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Location: Room 121

Register Here for the Seniors Small Group



Men of Faith Small Group

Book: Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men: God's Design for Male Identity by Dr. Myles Munroe

This class examines cultural attitudes toward men and addresses what it means to be male and looks at roles of men from a Godly perspective.

Teacher: Derrick Wiley
Co-Teacher: Rick Pyburn
Day: Wednesday nights, starting February 12th
Time: 7 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Location: Dream Team Lounge

Register Here for the Men of Faith Small Group



Women of Faith Small Group

Book: Esther: Daring Faith for Such a Time as This by Kelly Minter

The story of Esther unfolds at a time when the people of God are split between nations with an uncertain future. While the name of God may not be mentioned in the book of Esther, its pages highlight His work among His people and foreshadow Jesus’s very ministry to us—darkness to light, mourning to celebration, death to life.

Teacher: Cathy Gillespie
Day: Wednesday mornings starting February 12th
Time: 11 a.m.
Location: Room 121

Register Here for the Women of Faith Small Group



Spanish Ministry Small Group
Ministerio en español Grupo pequeño

The Alpha course is an evangelistic course that seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions. It is described by its organizers as "an opportunity to explore the meaning of life"

Teacher: Jessica Colón
Co-Teacher: José Colón
Day: Wednesday evenings, starting February 12th
Time: 7 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Location: Theater Room in the Kid's Wing

Alpha – Ministerio en español Grupo pequeño (Español)
El curso Alpha es un curso evangelístico que busca introducir los fundamentos de la fe cristiana a través de una serie de charlas y discusiones. Es descrito por sus organizadores como "una oportunidad para explorar el sentido de la vida"

Maestra: Jessica Colón
Día: Miércoles
Co-maestro: José Colón        
Hora: 7:00pm - 8:00pm en el Salón de Teatro (Ala de Niños)
Las clases comienzan el miércoles 12 de febrero.

Register Here (Regístrese aquí) for the Alpha Small Group


Growth Track Classes

Faith Harvest's Growth Track consists of three series of classes: First Step, Next Step, and Leader Step.

Click here for more info about Growth Track


Faith Harvest Church

919-848-4340 | moreinfo@faith-harvest.org
Emergency Pastor on Call 919-270-2740

4737 Willeva Dr. | Wake Forest, NC 27587
(At the intersection of HWY 98 & HWY 50)

OFFICE HOURS | Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm

Sunday 11 AM
Corporate Worship Service
Children's Ministry for Newborn-2 years, Preschool - 5th Grade

Wednesday 7 PM
Children's Programming 3 years-5th grade
Nursery - 0-36 months
REFUGE Student Ministries 6th-12th grades
Corporate Worship Service - 1st Wednesday
Small Groups - Days and times vary

Thursday 7 PM
Living Stone Young Adults 18-35 years


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